
Why verify with employment record?

Obtaining information via reference check no matter if its professional references or personal references have been the given norm as part of the background check process.

I can’t deny that reference check yields insightful data for hiring yet without combining employment record check directly with the school, you might be missing out an important piece of information for child protection background check.

The issue with only doing reference check is that you are only relying on contact persons provided by your job candidate. To push it to the extreme, that referee provided can be totally fake (of course there are protocols in place to minimize that risk such as only call the school number or reply with an email to the school email or verify identity at school site). However, the frequency of providing referees that are not suitable to comment such as providing a friendly yet unrelated colleague does happen. This is the reason why connecting directly with the school’s record in charge/HR department (though at times it’s forward to the Principal to complete which is totally fine) is essential to obtain the official record.

While employment record check might not provide you with performance data yet you might find interesting information including unreported crime or issues stored at the school’s HR record. Interested to learn more on how to conduct such check properly and obtain a sample report meeting the industry standard? Connect with us now at our Hong Kong Headquarters for a quick conversation.