Criminal Record Check during Covin-19
Obtaining a certificate of no criminal record/police clearance certificate has been a norm for many schools when it comes to criminal record check. One of the key issues however is that due to Covin-19, many embassy or authorities are not providing such services as very often the job candidate needs to physically attend those places to complete the process or they are simply closed.
In such case, Human Resources should make a decision that if obtaining a police clearance certificate is not available in the short-term, what should we do for child protection?
An answer to this for many schools is to have the certificate obtained later on yet pursue the next best available options, including conducting police record check, court record check, public data search or a sexual conviction record check only depending on the specific country’s situation and data availability.
While many schools are having headache figuring what to do in such situation, schools working with us are 100% covered obtaining the best available data now within a short timeframe prior to receiving the police clearance certificate copy.
Interested to learn more on how to conduct such check properly and obtain a sample report meeting the industry standard? Connect with us now at our Hong Kong Headquarters for a quick conversation.